I spent my working life doing things I almost loved so that I could bloom into doing what I love. I’m finding that I could have been blooming all along. The difference between doing what you almost love and blooming is the difference between two dimensions and three. It’s the difference between a picture of a flower and inhaling the flower’s beauty in a field, between a photograph of your lover and a kiss.

Are you waiting for the chance to break through that almost? This could be the place for you to bloom. A nonprofit called Art Ecosystem and a professional company called Nascential Art coexist here.

Do you now have the time, but can’t find the thing that puts the spark in your life? There are a lot of things to do at Art Ecosystem. Maybe this is the place to try out some stuff.

Art Ecosystem is a nonprofit designed for beginners, hobbyists, occasional users and people who just want to try out stuff. Art is recreation, health, and fun. An ecosystem is where everything relates to everything else. Art Ecosytem is where you can try it, test it, see what works for you, have some fun and re-create yourself. From Art Ecosystem, you can go back to what you were before you walked in with a refreshed mindset or you can move on to making more art.

Some people use art as a meditation. Sometimes as a reward. Art can be a way to get in touch with yourself or connect with others or both. I see no reason to make money from this. Of course, there are expenses such as rent, utilities, some kind of salary for staff to help out (not for me, though) and other expenses, but the income is designed to just cover the expenses. No more.

I also see no reason for you to separate art from income. Everybody needs an income, and Art Ecosystem encourages people to share their art if they want to, and to exchange their art for a fair value. Why not? It’s one way to share your own fulfillment with others who enjoy what you’ve done.

Art Ecosystem has access to everything that Nascential Art has, because Art Ecosystem sublets everything from Nascential Art. Nascential Art doesn’t want the nonprofit to go into debt if it doesn’t have enough clients, and there’s no reason to require Art Ecosystem to have a donation drive. So Nascential Art charges Art Ecosystem 50% of the fees people give it. If Art Ecosystem doesn’t make anything, it doesn’t pay anything.

This is the reason that half of everything you spend at Art Ecosystem is tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. This is the law when you buy from any nonprofit, that the nonprofit support itself but no more than that. Whenever you buy from a nonprofit, the amount above the expenses is deductible, in other words, the nonprofit can pay for its expenses but cannot make a profit. Expenses for Art Ecosystem are always 50%. 

Donations, of course, are always fully tax deductible. But it’s illegal for donations to pay for your personal services.

Nascential Art, LLC is for those who find art to be ultimately satisfying and who see more than a healthy diversion in their art.

Nascential Art comes from the words nascent — because art is constantly springing to life in every moment, if you recognize it — and essential — because you cannot be human and not make art. What you wear, where you live, the words you choose, what and how you eat … everything you do is part of the art form of you. Even if you think you’re doing nothing different than anyone else, then that is how you are creating yourself, doing “nothing different” is your art. Because if you were in a different country, city, neighborhood, forest, desert, mountain or oceanside, your “nothing different” would be different than it is now.

You are absolutely unique in the Universe, even if you are the third one over and ninth one back in the marching band of life. If you are just fitting in, you are trying to fit in, and fitting in is your art form. You can change your art form at any moment, and you might notice that it has already changed over time. How many “fitting-in” leaders have you followed? Has your fitting-in group changed? Have you become better or worse at it over the months and years? You know how hard you’ve had to work to fit in. All that effort you’ve put into fitting in was nothing more than re-creating what you already had. And it’s just as difficult to re-create something as it is to create something.

In other words, you are always creating art no matter how hard to may say that you don’t. It’s Nascential for you to be an artist.

Nascential Art is for those who want to share their worth with others and make a living through their art. Artists can work on their own or create collaborations with other artists and with specialists from other disciplines. If an artist needs help from an engineer, for example, or an engineer needs help from an artist, a collaborative piece or line of art can spring from the collaboration. If the project is big enough, it may need technicians, marketers, production specialists and others to bring a large and complex idea to fruition. 

In the end, art itself is an ecosystem and is never done by a lone individual. A painter needs brushes, canvas, paints, wood stretchers and other items that need other specialists. How many artists know how to make paint? A ceramist needs clay, glazes and kilns, and how many ceramists can do all of that? Buying things from a store or learning from a video or book includes others into your collaboration. Besides, selling art is a collaboration that requires someone else to say that your art is also their art.